IELTS Coaching Classes in Chennai
Known as the International English Language Testing System, IELTS provides an assessment of a candidate's language ability in order to qualify for study or employment in a country where English is the language of communication.
In addition to universities, employers, professional organisations, immigration authorities, and other government agencies, the IELTS test is recognized and accepted by over 10,000 organisations worldwide. You will find a list of organisations that accept IELTS scores at ielts.org/recognition.
Accessible and convenient: IELTS is offered up to four times a month in more than 140 countries. Tests are held on Saturdays and Thursdays. To find out test dates in your area, please contact your nearest IELTS test centre. A list of all IELTS test locations worldwide is available at ielts.org.
The International Test : IELTS is internationally focused in its content. For example, texts and tasks are sourced from publications from all over the English-speaking world; a range of native-speaker accents (North American, Australian, New Zealand, British etc.) are used in the Listening test; and all standard varieties of English are accepted in test takers’ written and spoken responses.
Test Format
Components of the IELTS Test
The module comprises four sections of increasing difficulty. Each section, which can be either a monologue or dialogue, begins with a short introduction telling the candidates about the situation and the speakers. Then they have some time to look through questions. The first three sections have a break in the middle allowing candidates to look at the remaining questions. Each section is heard only once.
Timing :
Approximately 30 minutes (plus 10 minutes transfer time).
Skills Assessed :
- Understanding of main ideas
- Understanding of specific factual information
- Recognising opinions, attitudes, and purpose of a speaker
- Following the development of an argument
In the academic module, the reading test comprises three sections, with 3 texts normally followed by 13 or 14 questions for a total of 40 questions overall. The General test also has 3 sections. However, the texts are shorter, so there can be up to 5 texts to read.
Timing :
60 minutes (no extra transfer time).
Skills Assessed :
- Reading for gist
- Reading for main ideas
- Reading for detail
- Understanding inferences and implied meaning
- Recognising writer’s opinions, attitudes, and purpose
- Uollowing the development of an argument.
In the Academic module, there are two tasks: in Task 1 candidates describe a diagram, graph, process, or chart, and in Task 2 they respond to an argument. In the General Training module, there are also two tasks: in Task 1 candidates write a letter or explain a situation, and in Task 2 they write an essay.
Timing :
60 minutes
Skills Assessed :
- Content
- The organisation of ideas
- The accuracy and range of vocabulary and grammar
The speaking test contains three sections. The first section takes the form of an interview during which candidates may be asked about their hobbies, interests, reasons for taking the IELTS exam as well as other general topics such as clothing, free time, computers and the internet or family.
In the second section, candidates are given a topic card and then have one minute to prepare after which they must speak about the given topic. The third section involves a discussion between the examiner and the candidate, generally on questions relating to the theme which they have already spoken about in section 2. This last section is more abstract and is usually considered the most difficult.
Timing :
11-14 minutes
Skills Assessed :
- The ability to communicate opinions and information on everyday topics and common experiences and situations by answering a range of questions.
- The ability to speak at length on a given topic using appropriate language and organising ideas coherently.
- The ability to express and justify opinions and to analyse, discuss and speculate about issues.